About Us
Dharohar Institute of Folk Arts focuses on expansion and dissemination of the folks arts of India ( including but not limited to- Indian folk dance forms, folk theatre, music, arts and crafts) which of course are so vivid and vibrant across all of the Indian states. We often look forward to engaging with folk artistes of different regions and providing them with appropriate platforms from where they can showcase their talents.
Dharohar Institute of Folk Arts conducts year-round folk dance classes, folk music classes and Public Speaking seminars. We conduct both online folk dance classes as well as offline. Our institute has tutors with years of experience in traditional folk dances and expertise in online dance tutorials. All the artists/ teaching staff belong to the authentic indigenous communities and tribes to which the respective folk dance/art(s) belong.
We also organize shows and seminars for audiences of all ages to impart knowledge and significance of these art forms in shaping our culture, society, and also our daily lives, and why is it important to conserve these folk arts in their true nature with respect to the contemporary tides.

Our Mission
Dharohar Institute of Folk Arts aims to become one of India’s best dance academy(ies) which promotes traditional dances in their true forms. We aspire as an institution, to provide the best online folk dance classes, by expanding our courses in different art forms of India and promoting them towards reclaiming their place among mainstream art forms.
Our goal is to also project and impart the significance of these varied cultural identities of the Indian civilization in our different spheres of life.
What We Offer
If you get a chance to visit Udaipur, then do connect with us because our artists will indeed love to teach you beautiful Rajasthani folk dance in your limited span of vacation.